Friday, September 25, 2009

Don Yarborough - Path Crossed With JFK

In 1963, Don Yarborough was a Democratic candidate for Governor of Texas running against the incumbent John Connally. Although both were members of the same party, Yarborough was associated with the liberal wing and had come within 27,000 votes of defeating Connally in the 1962 election.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson was concerned that a win by Yarborough would encourage conservative Democrats to switch to the Republican party and jeopardize President John F Kennedy's chances at winning a second term in 1964.

LBJ convinced President Kennedy to visit Texas on November 22, 1963. On that fateful Friday, Connally was riding in the same limousine when Kennedy was assassinated. Connally was also wounded, but recovered and easily defeated Yarborough in the 1964 election.

Mr Yarborough died on September 22, 2009 at the age of 83 in Houston from complications from Parkinson's Disease. Yarborough would make a third run for governor in 1968 before quitting politics.

He served as a lobbyist in Washington from 1968-1981 before returning to Houston and resuming his law practice.

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